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Avi retail

Designs and manufactures competitively priced retail displays

AVI Retail designs and manufactures project based electronic interactives for displays and kiosks. This includes all the coolest accessories, touch screens, bar code scanners, RFID readers, and other interactive components.

For more information visit our website:

Retail displays have created a real buzz among the people who are looking for the best options in the zone of effective promotional strategies. We ensure that you are always brimmed with solutions when it comes to brilliant marketing. To know more all you need is to visit our online portal.
Our Retail displays are perfect examples of great innovative technology that will make great impression on your clients. We are offering various kinds of displays and you can choose display that fits in your budget. We promise to meet your expectations through and through.


Point of purchase displays
Retail displays
POP displays
Interactive retail displays
Retail marketing solutions
POP interactive
In store merchandising
Visual Merchandising
Retail interactive
Shelf talkers
Audio interactive
Video interactive